Research Article
Effect of Conventional and Improved Threshing Methods on Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seed Quantity and Quality in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
Kedir Oshone*
Mideksa Bekele
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2025
10 December 2024
20 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: Due to poor quality seeds currently, many seed lots of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) producing by various seeds producers in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia were rejecting by external seed regulatory body. The field and lab experiments were carried out at MARC, TMSR farm field, and seed research and quality control lab, Ethiopia to investigate the effect of conventional and improved threshing methods on genotypes of common beans seed quantity and quality. The experiment consisted treatment combinations of threshing methods and genotypes and its interaction effects. Each variety was planted in the field using RCBD design with four replications. Seed quality parameters were carried out at seed research and quality control, and plant protection laboratories. At laboratories each seed sample was analyzed using CRD design with three replications. The result showed that there were high significant (P < 0.01) interaction effects between variety and threshing method for seed yields, damaged seeds, 1000-seed weight, standard germination, dead seeds, shoot and root lengths, and vigour index-I. Speed of germination was decreased significantly (P < 0.01) as days of emergence increased with the number of germinated seeds decreased slightly. This finding suggested that seed quantity losses reduced while seeds threshed by stick beating followed by portable multi crop thresher machine in small and medium scale production irrespective of varieties. Significant interaction effects of variety with threshing method and significant differences among varieties and threshing methods in laboratories might be reliable indicators for seed quantity and quality losses.
Abstract: Due to poor quality seeds currently, many seed lots of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) producing by various seeds producers in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia were rejecting by external seed regulatory body. The field and lab experiments were carried out at MARC, TMSR farm field, and seed research and quality control lab, Ethiopia to investiga...
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Research Article
Determination of Optimum Plant Density for Sesame Productivity
Melaku Azanaw*,
Getachew Asmare
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2025
9 December 2024
24 December 2024
16 January 2025
Abstract: Sesame is a vital cash crop and used for selling purpose for the livelihood of Ethiopian people. Nevertheless, the seed yield is low because of a number of production factors like the lack of optimum plant density and row spacing for sesame productivity. A fieldwork did to determine the appropriate row and plant spacings for Sesame productivity and profitability at Metema and Tach Armachiho districts. Treatments were arranged to five rows (40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 cm) with three plant spacing (10, 20 and 30 cm) spacings comparing with the blanket recommendation (40cm x 10cm) and arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications. The plant height, pods plant-1, pod-bearing zone, seed and oil yield were highly significant and influenced by the interaction effects of row and plant spacings. The highest yield (1080 kgha-1), oil content (53.8%) and net benefit (70,767 ETB) obtained from the 70 cm row spacing with the 20 cm plant spacing. However, the minimum yield (840 kg/ha), oil content (51.1%) and net benefit (25,973.2 ETB) were obtained from the blanket recommendation (40cm x 10cm) spacing. Therefore, the inter row 70 cm with intra row 20cm spacings are the most suitable plant densities and suggested to be promoted for sesame production on the tested locations in the lowlands of northwestern Gondar, Ethiopia.
Abstract: Sesame is a vital cash crop and used for selling purpose for the livelihood of Ethiopian people. Nevertheless, the seed yield is low because of a number of production factors like the lack of optimum plant density and row spacing for sesame productivity. A fieldwork did to determine the appropriate row and plant spacings for Sesame productivity and...
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